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培训回顾 | 和动力联合青岛国际商务俱乐部(QIBA)户外EGP领导力探索青岛课程
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On October 28, 2022, with the support of HarmonyForce Adventure, QIBA and Qingdao Leader International Business Club held outdoor EGP leadership course.


Through the review of 8 golden behaviors of 4D leadership and related tools, HarmonyForce Adventure skillfully designed and integrated relevant scenarios into the outdoor project exploration process, and improved individual and team leadership in a way of play and gain;

本次探索青岛课程活动邀请QIBA执委、丽德俱乐部会长、和动力创始人、美国NASA 4D领导力认证高级讲师Rick严易凌老师授课主持,课程开始,Rick严易凌老师通过几个破冰的活动,引出第五力场域的概念,第五力就是人与人之间的相关作用力,就是社会风气、家风、企业文化的的概念,是决定个人影响力和企业绩效最重要的重要因素。

RICK严易凌老师形象得让大家伸出手掌,大家一起HIGH 5,并告知,五个手指头就是第五力的组成部分,分别是:天性、思想、语言、行为和情绪。个人和团队管理好自己的第五力是卓越影响力体现,团队通过第五力的管理可以重塑高绩效德文化。



image.pngComprehensively develop from enterprise strategy analysis to team decision-making, from leadership to soft skills improvement, from time management, project management and control to business game, and realize the balance between life and work; Appreciate and explore the cultural landscape of Qingdao that is unknown even to the old city of Qingdao.


Participants were divided into groups to carry out urban exploration competition according to their own action routes. Each team needs to complete different tasks within the specified time, such as clocking in city landmarks, taking customized photos, looking for specific items, linking strangers, collective collaboration games, team collective PK, making creative videos, begging for alms and lunches. The itinerary covers Zhanqiao Pier, Post and Telecommunications Museum, Guangxingli, Xiaoyushan, Zhongshan Park, Badaguan, Lu Xun Park, Olympic Sailing Base and other new and old city landmarks of Qingdao


In the evening, all participants enjoyed a delicious dinner at Qingdao Haier Intercontinental Hotel and participated in the wonderful lottery.



We give us special thanks to HarmonyForce Adventure and Qingdao Haier Intercontinental Hotel for their strong support to the event. Thanks to the dessert cake sponsored by DK Cake, General Tian Liang of Qingdao Xiaozhong Culture Media Co., Ltd. for sponsoring the annual card of Zhiya Tongxue APP, Noah Tianze Holdings (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. for sponsoring the sailing J80 experience, Qiuzhen Honey Shop for sponsoring the honey, Qingdao Leader International Club for sending beautiful bookmarks, As well as wardrobe management and image design sponsored by Coco Yang.
特别感谢和动力团队及严易凌先生、青岛外企联合会、青岛海尔洲际酒店对活动的大力支持感谢DK蛋糕赞助的甜品台,青岛小众文化传媒有限公司的田亮总赞助知鸦通识APP年卡,诺亚天泽控股(上海)有限公司赞助的运动帆船J80出海体验,求真蜜坊赞助的蜂蜜,青岛丽德国际俱乐部送上特制精美书签,以及美学堂创始人杨壹Coco赞助的衣橱管理以及形象设计。(Marliee 供稿)


和动力EGP户外探索课程,选择不同城市及景区,由和动力团队专案设计,在各项目标的挑战过程中,训练团队领导决策沟通协作、问题解决、凝聚共识、目标一致等团队领导力,通过实战让领导力真正 在团队项目执行中落地,打造更高效卓越的团队。

同时,和动力EGP探索课程结合 4D领导力8项行为、高效能人士的7个习惯、集合企业愿景、使命、价值观(VI、MI、BI)等进行专项定制。

授课方式:50%体验引导学习+30%引导讨论+20% 理论讲;多种体验引导项目及环节设置,讲师引导,学员全程互动参与。


询热线:400-666-2542 / 186 1024 2728

HarmonyForce Adventure focus on experiential training. By using fun and learning-effective adventure technology aims to build High Performance Adventure Team System, Leadership Development, Management Skills and Soft Skills Improvement.
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